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Kathryn Evans, PCV Corps de la Paix B.P. 10537 Niamey, Niger West Africa

Thursday, December 24, 2009

A New Kind of Christmas

No snow or carols, lights or trees. No last minute shopping or parties to attend. All I have of Christmas in my house is an ornament of a squirrel wearing a santa hat whisked in gold and green ribbon, one that my family sent me in my Christmas care package. I have never been away from home during the holidays. And, I have always enjoyed this time of year more than any other; drinking eggnog with nutmeg and playing games with my family and eating my mom's quiche. This year, I sang Christmas carols in a Peace Corps van on the way out to my new village with other PC volunteers and then read A Christmas Carol to get into the spirit. Even though nothing about Niger evokes a feeling of holiday spirit, I have Christmas in my heart this year more than ever. Scrooge says "I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all year." Although I will dearly miss not being with my family, their love is with me today and always. I have a new appreciation of the spirit of Christmas, one of joy and gratitude for people dear to you. This year, I am having a new kind of Christmas. Tomorrow, the volunteers will cook a big meal and listen to Christmas carols and enjoy the day amidst the paper snowflakes hanging from the ceiling in the hostel. To all my friends and family, you are with me today and always. Lots of love and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Niger!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas Dear Daughter, We love your Scrooge quote. It's something we all need to remember. Perhaps, without the distraction of food, decorations, and hustle bustle you hit it on the head. We, also carry you in our hearts and have thought of you often, especially lately. We treasure the many memories of you we hold dear. You are precious to us and we wish you joy and well-being today and always.
    Nadolig LLawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Da
    (Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year) Love, Mom and Dad
